Saftey Resources
Use these resources to support and further your department’s comprehensive focus on personal safety – on the fireground, while training, at the station, and while driving. Ongoing awareness of your surroundings and proactive measures to mitigate potential threats will help ensure that you can be there for your department, your family, and your community.General Safety Resources
IAFC Safety, Health and Survival Section
International Association of Fire Chiefs
The IAFC Safety, Health and Survival Section was established to provide a specific component within the IAFC to concentrate on policies and issues relating to the health and safety of firefighters.
B.E.S.T. Practices for Firefighter Health and Safety
National Volunteer Fire Council
The NVFC developed the Firefighter Health and Safety Priorities to provide specific steps departments should take to protect their personnel. The priorities are set forth in a series of B.E.S.T. Practices covering the four main categories of Behavior, Equipment, Standards and Codes, and Training. Resources for implementing the B.E.S.T. Practices are also provided.
Everyone Goes Home
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
Recognizing the need to do more to prevent line-of-duty deaths and injuries, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation launched this initiative to bring prevention to the forefront. Everyone Goes Home consists of 16 major life safety initiatives that give the fire service a blueprint for making changes.
NFPA Standards National Fire Protection Association
The NFPA offers standards on a wide range of safety topics, including NFPA 1500: Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program, NFPA 1521: Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer, various equipment standards, and more.
Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NIOSH conducts independent investigations of firefighter line of duty deaths. This webpage provides access to NIOSH investigation reports and fire safety resources to help prevent future fatalities.
Safety and Survival Resources
International Association of Fire Chiefs
The IAFC has compiled resources for a variety of safety topics, including: Fire Operations; EMS Operations;Survival; Vehicle Safety; ICS/Accountability, and Wildland.
Safety Resources
National Volunteer Fire Council
The NVFC has compiled resources and research for firefighter/EMS safety, including equipment and vehicle safety.
Off-Duty Firefighter/EMS Injuries or Death Related to Actions at Emergency Scenes
Safety, Health & Survival Section of the International Association of Fire Chiefs
At the annual meeting of the International Association of Fire Chiefs’ Safety, Health and Survival Section (SHSS), a chief asked the question about what coverage would be available to an off-duty firefighter who comes upon a fire, a medical emergency or an accident and that firefighter takes action which then causes the death of that firefighter or causes a critical injury so that the firefighter may no longer be able to work. No one had a good answer.
Training Webinars
National Volunteer Fire Council
The NVFC offers a series of online training courses on a variety of safety topics, including the Incident Safety Officer series, the Equipment Management series, Pump Operations and Maintenance, and Choosing the Right PPE.
Fire Ground Survival Training Program
International Association of Fire Fighters
The purpose of this program is to ensure that training for Mayday prevention and Mayday operations are consistent between all fire fighters, company officers, and chief officers.
6 Minutes for Safety
Wildfire Lessons Learned Center
This is a tool created for and by fire personnel with the purpose of actively troubleshooting known high risk situations encountered on the fireline.
Heat Related Pocket Card
National Wildlfire Coordinating Group
The intent of this guide is to provide a concise collection of Heat Related Illness (HRI) prevention information, including information on individual risk factors, fluid replacement, and warning signs. This information can be printed and folded into a pocket card.
Emergency Response Guidebook
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
PHMSA’s Emergency Response Guidebook provides first responders with a go-to manual to help deal with hazmat accidents during the critical first 30 minutes. DOT’s goal is to place an ERG in every emergency service vehicle nationwide. The ERG is also available as a mobile app for iPhone and Android devices. PHMSA’s Hazardous Materials Safety Assistance Team also offers free ERG training presentations to departments across the country.
Pipeline Emergencies
National Association of State Fire Marshals/Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
The Pipeline Emergencies training curriculum is tailored to the needs of emergency responders and provides a comprehensive overview of pipeline operations and pipeline emergency response. It includes information about the commodities transported by pipelines, an instructor’s guide for fire trainers, and mobile apps for iPhone and Android devices.
Emergency Vehicle Safety Resources
Guide to Model Policies and Procedures for Emergency Vehicle Safety
U.S. Fire Administration and International Association of Fire Chiefs
This guide provides resources to assist departments in researching and developing their own written policies and procedures for emergency vehicle safety.
STOP – Vehicle Safety Training
National Volunteer Fire Council
The NVFC offers the STOP (Safety Tops Our Priorities) training series on vehicle safety. Two courses –Seatbelts Top Our Priorities and Stopping at Intersections – are currently available. The training is provided using an online platform from McNeil and Company’s Emergency Services Insurance Program (ESIP).
Emergency Responder Roadway Operations Safety
U.S. Fire Administration
Resources at this site include Best Practices for Emergency Vehicle Visibility, Study of Traffic Incident Management Systems, and Recruitment and Retention of Fire Service Traffic Control Personnel.
Best Practices for Emergency Vehicle and Roadway Operations Safety
U.S. Fire Administration and International Association of Fire Fighters
This guide, developed by the U.S. Fire Administration in partnership with the IAFF, highlights the results of a U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice supported initiative to enhance vehicle and roadway operations safety for firefighters and law enforcement officers.
International First Responder Seatbelt Pledge
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
Firefighters and emergency service personnel are encouraged to sign the Seatbelt Pledge in an effort to ensure the safety of all first responders driving or riding in fire department apparatus. This web site, administered through the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation’s Everyone Goes Home program, also includes public service announcements, videos, posters, training, and other resources for getting first responders to buckle up.
Emergency Response Safety Institute
Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association
The Emergency Responder Safety Institute serves as an advisory group of public safety leaders and transportation experts committed to reducing deaths and injuries to America’s First Responders. They offer resources, training, and videos on safety issues to protect emergency responders at roadway incidents.
Traffic Incident Management and Responder Safety
Emergency Responder Safety Institute
This document contains statistics relating to roadway incident safety and provides an outline of the core elements of a comprehensive Roadway Incident Safety Program.
Roadway Incident Safety References and Resources
Emergency Responder Safety Institute
The Emergency Responder Safety Institute compiled a list of roadway incident safety links and resources.